Movie lineup (all times in EST):
*Daily Cinema: 6:00AM Between Two Worlds (1944)*
8:00AM Never Say Goodbye (1946)
*Previous Daily Cinema Alert! 10:00AM A Millionaire for Christy (1951)*
When was this featured? SUTS Day 7: Fred MacMurray (2013)
12:00PM Escape from Fort Bravo (1953)
2:00PM Interrupted Melody (1955)
4:00PM Caged (1950)
6:00PM Many Rivers to Cross (1955)
8:00PM The Naked Jungle (1954)
10:00PM Scaramouche (1952)
12:15AM Valley of the Kings (1954)
2:00AM The Woman in White (1948)
4:00AM Of Human Bondage (1946)
The original version of this film with Bette Davis was featured for TNT back in 2014
Daily Cinema: Between Two Worlds (1944)
Between Two Worlds is a remake of a film and play released in 1930 and 1924, respectively, called Outward Bound. Eleanor Parker co-stars in an ensemble cast of passengers aboard a luxury liner, all of whom (save for Parker's Ann and her husband Henry) are unaware that they are all actually dead. This liner is meant to be the final resting place before judgment is passed on their lives, and as Ann and Henry wait for their turn, they acquaint themselves with the other passengers aboard, learning more about them than they bargained for. I was interested in finding out 1-why this was the medium chosen for the dead? 2-how did everyone aboard the ship die? and 3-how did everyone deal with the realization of both being dead and knowing that judgment would be passed on them soon? I never saw the original film but the premise sounds intriguing to me.
As a sign-off you're sure to tire of by the time this is over, if you'd like to participate in the conversation going on today with other SUTS viewers, you can use TCM's tag of #summer under the stars. Between Two Worlds is on rather early--it's the first film in today's lineup--so I'm not expecting many people to be awake to catch it but if you do end up watching it, use the tag #atvdailycinema so I can see what you think about it. Without realizing it, I gave you a bit of a Double Feature as yesterday's Daily Cinema pick, Going Home, is the last film in the lineup and this one airs immediately afterward. I didn't realize that until just now so I'm sorry about that. See you tomorrow!

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