Movie lineup (all times in EST):
6:00AM Wise Girl (1937)
8:30AM Irene (1940)
10:15AM Night into Morning (1951)
12:00PM Panic in Year Zero (1962)
2:00PM Let's Do It Again (1953)
4:00PM A Life of Her Own (1950)
6:00PM The Major and the Minor (1942)
8:00PM The Big Clock (1948)
*Daily Cinema: 10:00PM Dial M for Murder (1954)*
12:00AM Alias Nick Beal (1949)
2:00AM The Lost Weekend (1945)
4:00AM Hostile Witness (1969)
Daily Cinema: Dial M for Murder (1954)
In this Hitchcock classic, Ray Milland stars as Tony, a professional tennis player. His wife Margot (Grace Kelly) complains frequently of his busy schedule so he eventually retires, but he soon discovers that his wife has had an affair, so he plots to have her murdered. He gets in touch with a long-time acquaintance in an effort to blackmail him into murdering his wife. The night that the murder is to take place, a snafu leads to the wife murdering the hitman in self-defense. Tony uses this to his advantage and frames his wife for the murder, killing two birds with one stone.
If you watch Dial M for Murder, tag your tweets with #atvdailycinema so I can see them and if you want to join the larger conversation, use the tag #SummerUnderTheStars. See you tomorrow!

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