SUTS Day 12: John Wayne
Movie lineup (all times in EST):
6:00AM The Long Voyage Home (1940)
*Previous TNT Alert! 8:00AM McLintock! (1963)*
*Previous TNT Alert! 10:15AM Chisum (1970)*
When was it featured? SUTS Day 19: John Wayne (2015)
12:15PM Stagecoach (1939)
2:00PM She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)
4:00PM The Train Robbers (1973)
*Daily Cinema: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)*
*Previous Daily Cinema Alert! 8:00PM The Quiet Man (1952)*
When was it featured? SUTS Day 19: John Wayne (2015)
10:30PM The Searchers (1956)
12:45AM Rio Bravo (1959)
3:15AM They Were Expendable (1945)
Daily Cinema: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance stars John Wayne as a Washington rancher who, in his younger days, teams up with a future senator to take on a local bully who victimizes and scares the residents of the town into silence. Over time, Ranse Stoddard (James Stewart) not only wins the respect of the residents, including that of Tom Doniphon (Wayne), he provides them with educations as well. Eventually, Ranse has to stand his ground against Liberty Valance and shooting the man dead causes his popularity to skyrocket, eventually leading to his Senatorial seat. Tom Doniphon is a large part of the reason why he is there, and the sacrifices he makes for a friend are what set this apart from the usual Westerns I've watched. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance was eventually deemed fit for preservation by the National Film Registry and when I see that on a movie's page, I'm immediately more prone to watching it. I tried to give the gist without giving anything large away, so I hope I didn't end up killing the movie for you. lol
We're on a few Previous Alerts! today, but the reason why both Daily Cinemas lead to the same link is because I did a Double Feature the last time John Wayne was in the SUTS lineup. I enjoyed all of them, but I think The Quiet Man sticks out more for me. My mom would probably say McLintock! as it's her favorite John Wayne film. Today's Daily Cinema is at a decent time so I hope you can catch it. If you do, don't forget to tag me on social media using #atvdailycinema so we can talk. If you're online during any of the other films today, you can join the larger conversation by using the tag #summerunderthestars. See you tomorrow!
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