Friday, August 9, 2013

Summer Under the Stars Day 9: Steve McQueen

TCM chose to feature Steve McQueen for the 9th day of Summer Under the Stars.
I know very little about "The King of Cool" other than that he was once married to Ali McGraw and she was in Convoy. LOL That's the extent of my knowledge. After I read up on him though, I realized I'd been sleeping on a superstar! I had no idea he was as popular as he was; I didn't even know he'd died. SMH Clearly, I still have a lot of folks to learn about. Anyway, from what I read he took on a lot of daring roles, things that must have been a challenge for him and most likely were a factor in why he agreed to do them. The one I was most surprised to hear that McQueen did was The Blob; that movie is at cult favorite status now, isn't it? Anytime the name is mentioned I get giggles, so I get the impression that it's like Flubber with a killer complex. LOL I have not seen many movies like the ones that we'll be shown today, so I'm intrigued. Again, had a bit of a hard time choosing the Daily Cinema but I think I'll get it figured out.

Today's movies: (all times listed in EST)
6AM: Somebody Up There Likes Me
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

8AM: The Honeymoon Machine
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

9:30AM: Never So Few
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

11:45AM: The Magnificent Seven
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

2PM: The War Lover
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

4PM: Bullitt
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

6PM: Le Mans
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

8PM: The Cincinnati Kid
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

10PM: The Reivers
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

12AM: Papillon
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

2:45AM: Soldier in the Rain
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

4:30AM: The Blob
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon (currently unavailable)

Daily Cinema Selection: Bullitt
I chose this movie because I really liked the concept and think it's going to be a solid movie. I don't care much for racing or car-related movies (save for Smokey & the Bandit and a few of the Fast and Furious films, lol) so I didn't want to choose any of those. Bullitt, if you haven't seen it, stars McQueen as a police detective who is assigned to protect a mafia informant who is about to roll on the mob in San Francisco. Unfortunately for McQueen and the prosecutors, the informant still ends up getting killed, so Bullitt takes initiative to find out why and what happened. Robert Vaughn stars alongside McQueen as a shady politician who tries to shut down the case. I think this movie sounds intriguing and will be a great way to spend my Friday afternoon. 

Channel Listings:
AT&T U-verse--796

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