Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Under the Stars Day 7: Fred MacMurray

Week 1 of Summer Under the Stars closes itself out with a day of Fred MacMurray flicks.

The first time I saw Fred MacMurray was in Double Indemnity, with Barbara Stanwyck. That movie has since become one of my favorite crime flicks and I think they chose the perfect stars to carry out the plot. The next time I saw him was in There's Always Tomorrow and while I didn't like the movie quite as much as Double Indemnity, I loved watching him and Barbara Stanwyck on screen together again. I did not know he'd made as many movies with her as he did (I believe they made 4 together) and unfortunately other than the two I've mentioned, we won't get to see them today. Speaking of those two movies, however, we're on a Previous TNT alert--both There's Always Tomorrow and Double Indemnity were former TNT selections and both are on today's schedule, so if you didn't catch them before (or just want to see them again) keep an eye out for them! I've only seen two of Mr. MacMurray's movies, but I'm excited to see more. Most of his films were comedies and after so many dramas and serious movies for our previous TNTs, I'm ready to laugh.

Today's movies: (all times listed are in EST)
6AM: Too Many Husbands
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

7:30AM: The Lady is Willing
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

9:16AM: The Incredible Stranger

9:30AM: Above Suspicion
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

11:08AM: Musical Movieland

11:30AM: Borderline
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

1PM: Never a Dull Moment
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

*Cinema Selection*2:45PM: A Millionaire for Christy
Netflix | Vudu (purchase only) | Amazon

4:30PM: Callaway Went Thataway 
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

6PM: Kisses for My President
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

8PM: Murder, He Says
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

9:47PM: Tale of a Dog

*Previous TNT!* 10PM: Double Indemnity
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

*Previous TNT!* 12AM: There's Always Tomorrow
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

1:30AM: Dive Bomber
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

4AM: Pushover
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

5:30AM: Screen Directors Playhouse: It's A Most Unusual Day

               ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daily Cinema Selection: A Millionaire for Christy
I chose this movie for our Daily Cinema because the premise sounds hilarious and it was well-reviewed. Quite obviously from the poster, it's a rom-com about a golddigger with her eyes on a man who recently became a millionaire due to an inheritance. Eleanor Parker stars alongside Fred MacMurray in this screwball comedy and since I cannot recall having seen an Eleanor Parker film, I'm open to see how she gets in good with Daddy Warbucks. LOL I thought it was light-hearted, funny and for a day of comedy, what better type of film to pick? I believe this is the right video; I struck out a couple of times before I found this clip. Here's the trailer:
Channel Listings:
AT&T U-verse--796

*Today's Twitter hashtag is #MacMurrayTCM. You already know the usuals; #TCMSummer and #SUTS!*

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