Today's lineup (all times in EST):
*Daily Cinema: 6:00 AM The Kiss (1929)*
7:30 AM The Doorway to Hell (1930)
9:00 AM Spring Madness (1938)
*Previous Daily Cinema: 10:30 AM Remember? (1939)*
When was it featured? SUTS Day 23: Greer Garson (2017)
12:15 PM Young Dr. Kildare (1938)
1:45 PM Calling Dr. Kildare (1939)
3:30 PM The Unfaithful (1947)
5:30 PM Advise & Consent (1962)
8:00 PM All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)
10:30 PM The Last Train from Madrid (1937)
12:00 AM These Glamour Girls (1939)
1:30 AM No Escape (1953)
3:00 AM Fingers at the Window (1942)
4:30 AM The Golden Fleecing (1940)
Daily Cinema: The Kiss (1929)
This is a tragic silent starring Lew Ayres as a young man smitten with the flawlessness that is Greta Garbo and takes an innocent goodnight kiss from her the wrong way, which paves the road to the aforementioned tragedy. My guess? He wrongly assumes she's interested in him and either destroys her marriage or goes insane and kills her in a fit of passion. I love silent dramas; I've said it before but the lack of dialogue somehow makes moments more poignant because they rely so heavily on expressions and on-screen narration points.
It's on extremely early; it's our first film of the day so I'd suggest DVR'ing it. We're also on Previous Daily Cinema alert--Remember? airs later on this morning. See you tomorrow!

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