Movie lineup (all times in EST):
6:00AM Desire Me (1947)
7:45AM Her Twelve Men (1954)
9:30AM The Law and the Lady (1951)
11:15AM Scandal at Scourie (1953)
1:00PM Mrs. Miniver (1942)
3:15PM Adventure (1945)
5:30PM Sunrise at Campobello (1960)
8:00PM Madame Curie (1943)
10:15AM Blossoms in the Dust (1941)
12:15AM Pride and Prejudice (1940)
2:30AM Strange Lady in Town (1955)
*Daily Cinema: 4:30AM Remember? (1939)*
Remember? is a comedy starring Greer Garson in one of her earlier roles as a woman named Linda preparing to marry a man named Sky. His best friend Jeff falls in love with her at first sight and basically steals her away from Sky. Fast forward a few months, and the two, once in love, eventually divorce. Sky comes up with a plan of his own, to drug the two with an amnesiac drug that had recently been made, in an effort to help them start over.
This film is on extremely late/early so I don't expect you to watch it when it airs but if you watch any of the other films on today's lineup, you can use the tags #GarsonTCM or #SUTS to join the conversation. If you do end up watching Remember?, share your thoughts with me using the tag #atvdailycinema. See you tomorrow!

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