Hi! I have another fashion entry for you today, but I didn't intend to do back-to-back fashion posts. I usually try to space out my fashion posts during Octoberfest, with one at the beginning of the month and one towards the end, but today's original post idea didn't work out so I had to move this one up a few days. I hope you don't mind too much. Between you and I, I mind it a lot. lol But I wanted to keep things on track for as long as I can so instead of wasting time trying to gather information on a topic that was giving me very little and risking being later than usual, I just decided we'll be keeping things tame for a little while longer. The way I see it is that the longer I can stay on schedule, the less stressed I'll be and the better this series will turn out. I have some other irons in the fire demanding my time as well, so it's important that I don't get off track trying to make up for a late post. In short, I'm trying, people. lol Anyway, let's get to some clothes!

I love me a good seasonal garment, whether its a cute top or a kitschy themed skirt. This one by Ben Cooper in a collab with Vixen by Micheline Pitt fits the criteria quite well. There's a closeup photo on the product page of the monster mask print if you'd like to see the faces up close; the style of the faces reminds me a lot of the classic horror movie posters and I love those. The only issue I have with this skirt is that its $98. I know vintage, repro or authentic, can be pricey but listen. I'm broke all 7 days of the week and 23 hours out of each of those days. I can pay a couple of my smaller bills with the price of this skirt--before shipping fees lol--so I would really need to be comfortable with my coin supply before I drop a bill on a skirt. It really is a beaut.
Another garment from the Ben Cooper x Vixen collab that I liked is this orange and black harlequin print pencil skirt. There's also a sweetheart dress and swing skirt with this print, but I preferred the pencil skirt as I found the pattern a bit loud on its own. A black cardigan would definitely tone it down regardless of which of the three you choose, but I liked how the pattern looked on the pencil skirt the best. This would be a good one if you work in an office and you have a looser dress code; it's festive but still allows you to dial it back if you need to via your choice in top and accessories. I love the mix of orange shades against the black. This is another pricey one but it's a little less than the swing skirt in the first photo. It's still half of my electric bill, though. lol
How cute is this sweater? I'm more of a dog person myself, but cats are the quintessential fall animals and the epitome of witchy fabulosity for Halloween, so obviously this cardigan has little cat detailing all over it. You could wear it just like its displayed in this photo, but I think I'd prefer to mix it with modern pieces, like jeans and flats. I also dig the shade of orange in this sweater; I usually prefer brighter or lighter shades but this one is perfect.
I love this little boot. It's very Winifred Sanderson (edit: I didn't realize I'd originally written Sanford. LOL Wtf.), isn't it? It'd be great for a historical or modern-day witch costume, and if you're able to pull this off with looks other than costumes then you have my genuine appreciation. lol I always feel stumped when trying to come up with non-historical ideas for vintage-inspired shoes like these. Love the low heel; I'm barely sturdy on my own feet so I have no business in a heel higher than this one. lol It's a simple lace-up boot, not much to say about it except that I like it and it reminds me of Hocus Pocus, which is always a bonus.
Sweet baby Jesus the level of love I have for this entire outfit. The link I gave for this photo will take you to the page for the jacket, but this is actually a three piece outfit. Glorious, isn't it? I've never seen harlequin print executed this way before. The way I see this print is always in the manner of the pencil skirt back in the second photo, much larger, more colorful and more cutesy. This is not cute. This is chic, classy and bangin'. LOL I prefer the outfit altogether, but I do kinda like that its a three piece set that you can wear any variation of ways. This, for me, is the epitome of what I'd like to wear to a business meeting. All of my business meetings. Forever. lol I'm not sure what it is, but something about this entire ensemble just exudes powerful to me. I strongly suggest taking a look at the other items with this print; there's a
fishtail skirt,
trousers, and a
bustier top. I'm in love.
PUG recently collabed with the Mistress of the Night herself, and this amazing skirt is one of the products in the mini-collection. So if you aren't into the monster heads, cat printouts or the sexy harlequin, this damask printed skirt brings a little bit of elegance to the Halloween looks. You could probably make this a swing skirt if you wore it with a petticoat underneath; I like it either way. I swear, PUG has some of the best repro vintage. But this price, man. It's killing me. lol
I know I've already included a skirt with little monster heads on them, but these leggings were too cute to pass up. Surprisingly for me, I also like that the leggings are a bright, almost neon shade of green. This is another vintage-inspired piece that you could either keep fully vintage or modernize with whatever you decide to pair it with. I think I'd go for an off-the-shoulder fitted sweater or just a regular black tee. You could probably even do a crop top, if that's your thing and its still warm enough in your neck of the woods. Either way, love the little monster heads, love the green they're paired with, love the high waist. No complaints.
I had to include at least one costume in this fashion post, so I chose this one from Victorian Trading Co., which is one of my absolute favorite vintage companies. They sell everything your vintage loving heart could want, from clothing to decor, furniture to bath and body products. I love VTO. lol Anyway, I haven't gotten a catalog in awhile so I went to check out the site and see what was going on, and I came across this Wicked Witch costume. It's obviously inspired by the Wicked Witch, but I mainly noted the Victorian structure in the top, so if you were trying to go full-on Victorian widow for Halloweenie I think this dress would still work. It's very simple as far as print and color go so it'd make for a good last-minute costume. It would also pair well with the lace-up boots I featured earlier in the post.
I didn't think I'd find anything else I'd love quite as much as the harlequin outfit from a few posts up, but this one comes in at a very close second. I'm not one for plunging necklines, mainly because I'm a card carrying member of the IBTC and I thought low necklines were for those with some cleave. But the model doesn't appear to be busty either and she's wearing it well. But the main reason why I'm all the way here for this dress is the shirred open sleeves. They elevate the dress from just beautiful to over the top, making this perfect for a Halloween party. The silhouette it creates is gorgeous and I think this dress would work for a variety of costumes.
This is the cloak of my gothic Riding Hood dreams. lol I want to say Sarah Jessica Parker's character in Hocus Pocus wears a cloak, but I can't remember if it was red or black. This is another perfect addition to a witch costume but to be honest, I'd wear this as a coat for Halloween whether it matched my costume or not. The other days of the year I'm not sure I'd be bold enough to wear it, but all bets are off for Halloween. lol This is a gorgeous cloak with embroidered detailing down the front, buttons at the neck and an asymmetrical hem. The possibilities for this cloak are endless and it would make such a fab addition to a witch/creepy themed photo shoot in a foggy opening in the woods. It doesn't strike me as overtly vintage but I guess people don't much wear cloaks anymore, hmm? Whether its vintage or not, I love it.
I thought this skirt was so cute I had to feature it. The smile on the pumpkin face on the front of the skirt turns into an angry grimace on the back of the skirt, and I love the green trim on the waistband. I think the ombre coloring suits the fun vibe of the skirt more than a solid color and a petticoat underneath would make it look more voluminous, which would allow you to see the expressions better. On a random note, this would be a good Halloween outfit to wear if you're a teacher; I think the kiddos would love the pumpkin face on the skirt.
I couldn't have a collection of vintage-inspired Halloween clothes without including something from one of the OGs. I thought this "Vampira's Ghoul Gang" top would be a nice casual option in the event you'd rather just keep it simple with your Halloween wear. I like the wider collar but I do wish the sleeves were just a bit longer. If this was more in the form of a regular tee I'd love it 5x more. It's cute either way, but I prefer slightly looser fitting tees. You could finesse this to be worn with a simple pencil or circle skirt, or keep the bottoms modern instead. This is one of those shirts that will tell you all you need to know about people; if someone recognizes Vampira they're either goth or into vintage. I love shirts that immediately separate people who get the reference because more than likely, at least one of those people will come up to you or say hello in passing, and what's not to love about a random bonding session? lol

So that wraps up things for me here today. Again, I'm sorry that it's another fashion post; we'll be getting to the creepy stuff in a few days. I'm also sorry this is going up at night rather than the afternoon as I originally intended. I'm going to try to have this year's Octoberfest posts going live around noon MST, but don't hold me to that. Today's post is a bit late because I wasn't feeling well at all yesterday so I was trying to build the post bit by bit between naps. The unpredictability of my health is why I haven't made much mention of the post schedule; we're shooting for every three days but I can push it back to four with little trouble just in case. Posting it a few hours late doesn't ruin the schedule and doesn't bombard you, which was something else I wanted to avoid doing. Anyway, I've blabbed enough. Did you find any items that were up your alley in today's post? I refrained from including accessories and stuff, but go check out Unique Vintage for that; they have the cutest goth and Halloween inspired brooches and pins. I hope you enjoyed today's post and I'll see you in a few days!
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