Wednesday, February 15, 2017

BHS Day 15: 100 Black Men of America

Hi! For today's Community Spotlight, I wanted to bring attention to a men's organization since I focused on a women's organization last week. I also just think its important to show the different organizations based on bettering the Black community, whether it be centered around the men, women or overall. I was interested in finding out more about today's entrant because I hadn't heard of it until I started researching for this year's list of entrants. So let's see what this organization is all about!

Name: 100 Black Men of America, Inc. 

Dates of establishment and founders: 100 Black Men was founded in 1963 through the collective efforts of Black industry leaders and businessmen who wanted to improve the amount of resources available to the Black community

Purpose of organization: To educate and empower Black children and teens, and to address educational, economic and health issues plaguing underrepresented groups

Why is the Spotlight on it today? For their work in being positive examples for disadvantaged and low-income youths in the community

Company info:

--Is the largest African-American led organization with mentoring as its primary focus
--Has over 100 local chapters in cities across the country and a few internationally
--Has received recognition through the years from Volvo and the US Department of Commerce for its work with young entrepreneurs and during the 2000 US census
--Was honored by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

--Is currently over 10,000 members

--Members are approved by a panel who analyzes their character and personal standing in order to determine their compatibility with the organization
--Former recipient of the Atlanta Braves Organization Appreciation Award

--Has over 100,000 students enrolled in their core programs, which are centered around youth mentoring in economic development, health and wellness, education and leadership development

--Once partnered with Carnegie Mellon to fund a program to teach youths computer science
--Has a day named in its honor, which was appointed by Miami's mayor
--Received the US President's Service Award

--Partnered with Blueprint Media Group to sponsor a charity ball called The Made Man, which thanked donors for their service, brought attention to the recipients of those donations, and encouraged the continued support and participation from the community
--Is an active partner in Atlanta's Celebration Bowl, a post-season football game 
--Received the Eureka Communities Award and the Community Conscience Award for its service to youths in the community
--Has started two additional programs in addition to their core programs; Collegiate 100 helps with the youth members who are transitioning from high school to college and Emerging 100 assists their college members as they transition from college to the workforce as professionals
--Was certified as a Connect America National Partner

Research resources and further reading links:
Wikipedia |Official Website

Quote of the Day:

"What They See Is What They'll Be"
--100 Black Men Motto

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