Monday, March 10, 2014

TNT Preview: Le Mans

This week's TNT is 1971's Le Mans, starring Steve McQueen. 
Quite obviously, this movie is based off of what happens during the 24-hour Le Mans race but due to lack of American exposure to and knowledge of the race, this movie didn't do so well as its racing predecessor, 1966's Grand Prix. According to the descriptions I've read about the movie, there isn't a ton of dialogue like a regular movie; when the filmmakers intended to make this a genuine look into the race I guess they meant it. I'm not a fan of racing movies myself other than the Fast & Furious series (and I don't even like all of those lol) but I'm sort of intrigued to see a movie that has genuine action, without CGI, that doesn't have a heavy plot. Take a peek at the trailer:
Le Mans will be on this Thursday at 8pm EST. 
Channel Listings:
AT&T U-verse--796
Online Streaming: Netflix | Vudu | Amazon | YouTube
Hope you'll be watching with me! OAN, I know our clocks just went up an hour but why does it still feel like time is dragging? Or is that just me? 
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