Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Under the Stars Day 21: William Holden

William Holden has the stage today on Day 21 of Summer Under the Stars!
I'm sure you can predict my first sentence by now, so I'm not going to even waste your time by making you read it. We have some diversity on today's schedule, everything from epics to dramas, westerns to comedies, so we've got a healthy mix of a few genres. The only thing I don't see on the schedule is a crime/suspense to round it out. Which is fine; I read the plots for many of the movies on the list for today and they all have some level of intrigue. The way he died is rather sad and hits a little close to home; an old classmate of my mom's from high school recently died in much of the same way. William Holden worked consistently from his beginnings in the industry right up until his death, and contributed to many fine movies over his years as an actor. FYI, did you know he was best friends with former President Ronald Reagan? I didn't either. Let's look at the lineup!

Today's movies: (all times listed in EST)
*Mandy's note: For some reason, Vudu isn't cooperating with me today so I can't search for any of today's movies but when it starts working again, I'll update this post.*
6AM: Miss Grant Takes Richmond
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

7:30AM: Boots Malone
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

9:20AM: Fishing Feats

9:30AM: Force of Arms
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

11:19AM: Nostradamus Says So

11:30AM: Executive Suite
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

1:15PM: Glimpses of Western Germany

1:30PM: The Moon is Blue
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

3:14PM: The Fall Guy

3:30PM: Picnic
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon (purchase only)

5:30PM: The Devil's Brigade
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

7:45PM: Carson on TCM: William Holden

8PM: The Bridge on the River Kwai
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon (free for Prime members, purchase only for others)

10:46PM: Dr. Zhivago: Behind the Camera with David Lean

11PM: Born Yesterday
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

1AM: The Wild Bunch
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

3:30AM: Wild Rovers
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

5:48AM: Ryan's Daughter Featurette

Daily Cinema Selection: The Moon is Blue
I was stuck between this one and Miss Grant Takes Richmond. Both of the plots sound absolutely hilarious. The latter stars Lucille Ball against today's star as a secretary who goes to work for a real estate firm without realizing that the entire business is a farce. The movie I ended up choosing pits William Holden and David Niven against each other as romantic rivals for a woman played by Maggie McNamara....the only catch for these two womanizers is that the woman they are fighting to claim has already fiercely claimed something else--her virginity--and intends to stick with it. LOL I can't wait to see how they react upon finding out that the woman they've both fallen for is still a proud V-Card carrying member.

Channel Listings:
AT&T U-verse--796

*Today's tag is HoldenTCM.*

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