Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer Under the Stars Day 15: Gregory Peck

We're at the halfway mark of Summer Under the Stars now, which brings us to Day 15 and Gregory Peck's turn to be profiled.
Woof. And I mean that in the best way possible. The first time I saw Mr. Peck was in the classic To Kill A Mockingbird when I was in high school. We were reading the book as part of our assignments, and the day after we finished the book we began watching the movie. I was immediately drawn to this very serious, very striking man and for the longest time, I saw him as Atticus Finch because I thought the part was perfect for him and he played it so well. I didn't think he was able to play a bad guy because he did so well with playing the part of justice seeker. He blew my impression out of the water for me earlier this year, however, when we had to watch Duel in the Sun for TNT. Speaking of that, we're on a Previous TNT Alert as Duel will be coming on later today. Interestingly, To Kill a Mockingbird is not on today's list of movies. I am surprised as this is arguably what he is most famous for, but at the same time I get why it wasn't there. Let's focus on some of his other films instead. This promises to be an interesting day of movies and as I'm sure you've guessed it'll be one of the more serious days (there's only one comedy on today's list), but honestly I'm just looking for more excuses to look at him. Sue me.

Today's movies: (all times listed in EST)
6AM: Days of Glory
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

7:30AM: Pork Chop Hill
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

9:15AM: The Valley of Decision
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

Daily Cinema Selection:
11:15AM: Spellbound
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

1:15PM: Designing Woman
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

3:15PM: The Guns of Navarone
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon (purchase only)

6PM: Captain Horatio Hornblower
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

8PM: *TNT* The Macomber Affair
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

9:45PM: The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

*Previous TNT Alert:
12:30AM: Duel in the Sun
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

3AM: How the West Was Won
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

Daily Cinema Selection: Spellbound
The concept for this movie pulled me in immediately. It didn't hurt that I found out it was an Alfred Hitchcock film. Peck stars in this suspense film alongside Ingrid Bergman as a man in therapy with many hangups who has a murder of some kind buried within his subconscious. Bergman plays the therapist in love with Peck's character who tries to help him uncover his problems and get to a solution. I wonder, is this a murder he witnessed or committed that is buried in the subconscious? Is he a villain and a murderer, or just at the wrong place at the wrong time and saw the wrong thing? If he did do it, was there reason? This reminds me a bit of the Harley Quinn/Joker connection if you're familiar with that story. If you're not, I'll give you a brief synopsis. Harley Quinn was a promising therapist at Gotham's hospital until she got The Joker as a client. She gradually fell in love with him, eventually to the point of obsession, and as her mind completely unraveled she decided to leave regular life entirely to be the Joker's Jester. Spellbound kind of sounds like that. 

Channel Listings:
AT&T U-verse--796

*You know the drill by now, #PeckTCM, #atvdailycinema, and #atvTNT later on tonight!*

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