Thursday, August 1, 2013

Summer Under the Stars Day 1: Humphrey Bogart

TCM chose the great Humphrey Bogart to usher in this year's Summer Under the Stars, and I think it was an excellent choice.
My first exposure to Bogie was not through one of his movies, but through Looney Tunes back when I was a kid. I remember him being in a couple of my favorite cartoons and I always wondered who he was speaking about in one of them when he said, "Baby will just have to have a ham sandwich instead." I thought he really meant a baby LOL, so it was funny when I grew up and found out he was actually talking about Lauren Bacall. He had these brooding yet deep eyes, almost like he could look right through you. It was striking but kind of intimidating. There's this episode of Golden Girls where Dorothy takes Sophia on a trip and smothers her, so Sophia hides out in a nearby bar to get some peace. Dorothy ends up finding her and when she walks in, Sophia tells the pianist, "Of all the gin joints in the world, she had to walk into mine." A few minutes later she tells the pianist to play her a song. The pianist says he doesn't know which one she's talking about and she says he does, then when the pianist tries to respond, Sophia says, "You played it for them, you can play it for me." The pianist tries again and Sophia says, "If they can handle it then so can I. Now play." I just found out today that the latter bit of dialogue was from one of Bogie's movies and it tickled me to pieces. I've babbled enough. Anyway, I've heard a lot about a few of the movies on today's schedule and I'm looking forward to seeing them. I especially look forward to his movies with Lauren Bacall, as she is not only one of my favorite actresses from that time but I also want to see this magic between them that I keep reading about. They left some goodies off of the list, but I think we received some great alternatives.

Today's movies: (all times are listed in EST)
7AM: High Sierra
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

Daily Cinema 1--9AM: The Maltese Falcon
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

Daily Cinema 2--10:45AM: To Have and Have Not
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

12:30PM: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

2:45PM: Tokyo Joe
Netflix | Vudu (purchase only) | Amazon (purchase only)

4:15PM: Beat the Devil
Netflix | VuduAmazon

6:00PM: In a Lonely Place
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

TNT--8:00PM: The Big Sleep
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

10:00PM: Key Largo
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

12:00AM: The Caine Mutiny
Netflix | Vudu (purchase only) | Amazon (purchase only)

2:15AM: The Left Hand of God
Netflix | Vudu | Amazon

4:00AM: The Harder They Fall
NetflixVudu (purchase only) | Amazon (purchase only)

Daily Cinema: The Maltese Falcon/To Have and Have Not

I thought it would be good to provide two options for today's Daily Cinema because they both sound like good movies. The first, The Maltese Falcon, focuses on the famous detective Sam Spade (if you were a viewer of the now-cancelled crime drama Without a Trace, you'll remember Samantha Spade's character was named after Detective Sam Spade) and his investigation into the search for a priceless, jewel-encrusted falcon statue.

The second option, To Have and Have Not, comes on right after The Maltese Falcon and is marked as the beginning of the Bogart-Bacall romance. This was Lauren Bacall's first film, where she inadvertently created the "Bacall look" that later became her signature. This flick finds Bogart as a skipper-for-hire, who ends up in a relationship with a drifter but has to contend with the French resistance. Check the trailers for both below:

  The Maltese Falcon

To Have and Have Not

Channel Listings:

AT&T U-verse--796

I hope you're joining us today for the beginning of TCM's Summer Under the Stars! If you're on Twitter and you'd like to tweet along with TCM throughout the day, make sure to tag your tweets with #BogartTCM!

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