Tuesday, May 14, 2013

TNT Preview: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

*Mandy's note: Let me start this post off by saying, yes I know this isn't the movie in the 8pm TNT slot. I chose this movie over the actual primetime movie for two reasons. The main reason is that the movie is too long and I'll be finishing my classes the following day, so I definitely will not have the time to sit down and watch it. Even though it's based on the Bible and I usually like those movies, I just won't have the time so I had to choose a shorter movie that was a little earlier in the evening. I also think Guess Who's Coming to Dinner is a more TNT-appropriate movie, it's a classic and I don't know everyone's religious views so I do not want to choose a movie that would potentially ruffle feathers. Anywho, on to our scheduled programming....*

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner is a 1967 flick starring Spencer Tracy in what would be his last role, Katharine Hepburn and Sidney Poitier in a comedic drama about a girl bringing her new fiance home to meet her parents. The catch here is that the fiance (Poitier) is black.
This movie marks the ninth and final movie starring Spencer Tracy with his longtime love Katharine Hepburn and is generally regarded as a groundbreaking movie by exploring the touchy topic of interracial relationships and marriage. Back in the '60s, the concept was much more foreign and in many circles, unfavorable. In those same circles not much has changed today, but it's more common to see and not as many people get up in arms about it. I've seen this movie before and I think Spencer Tracy was a great comedic actor. He had crotchety down to a science. I enjoyed the movie very much. Here's the trailer:
Catch this movie with me this Thursday at 6pm EST on TCM!

Channel Listings:
AT&T U-verse--796
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Available to buy from Vudu for $9.99SD/$13.99HD & HDX
Available to buy from Amazon's Instant Video for $6.99

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