This year's SUTS opens with Edward G. Robinson.
Movie lineup (all times in EST):
6:00AM Tiger Shark (1932)
*Daily Cinema: 7:30AM Little Caesar (1930)*
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9:00AM Five Star Final (1931)
10:30AM Kid Galahad (1937)
12:30AM The Sea Wolf (1941)
2:15PM Illegal (1955)
*Previous TNT Alert! 4:00PM Double Indemnity (1944)*
6:00PM Larceny, Inc. (1942)
8:00PM Scarlet Street (1945)
10:00PM The Red House (1947)
12:00AM Our Vines Have Tender Grapes (1945)
2:00AM The Stranger (1946)
4:00AM The Cincinnati Kid (1965)
Daily Cinema: Little Caesar (1931)
This classic gangster film stars today's honoree as the titular Little Caesar, a ruthless man who starts the movie off as a small-time hood but moves his way through the ranks of the mob and eventually finds himself sitting at the top. But for a man who murdered his way to the top, how long can he stay there before receiving the same fate? Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Glenda Farrell and Stanley Fields co-star. This film airs pretty early in the day, so I suggest DVR'ing or streaming it. Hope you'll be joining me and I'll see you tomorrow!
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