Thursday, February 18, 2016

BHS Day 17: Anthony Benezet

Hi! Today we're going to talk about the third category in this particular category, the E in the ELM Spotlight. I wanted to make sure we covered all three individually, and next week will probably be a combination of two of the areas. This one gave me a little pause because it also fit in with the Community category, but I ultimately chose this one because I felt it got the ball rolling for Black children to begin their education. Let's get on to the Spotlight!


Name: Anthony Benezet, 1713-1784

Profession: Educator and abolitionist

Why is the Spotlight on him today? For his efforts in furthering the education of slave children and his efforts to increase awareness about slavery in an attempt to abolish it

Selected works:


--Opened the first school for slave children

--Opened the first public school for girls in America

--Helped to bring awareness to the anti-slavery movement in Britain

--Opened the Negro School at Philadelphia

--Helped break down the racial barrier in the Philadelphia Quakers

--Inspired a number of people to become abolitionists after reading his works

Further reading links:

No, today's BHS entrant was not Black. I wasn't aware of this at first, but when I found out, I have to admit that it made me hesitate for quite a bit before deciding to post it. I didn't hesitate specifically because he was White; I hesitated because I know that I'm potentially opening up Pandora's Box here by having a Black History Spotlight then focusing on someone of another color. Someone's always offended somewhere these days, and the point of this entire month was to educate and inspire you to educate yourselves about Black History and the people pivotal to it, not offend anyone with what I post. But what made me post it anyway was because 1-I personally don't care that he was White (and I do what I want), and 2-he did a lot to help with the anti-slavery movement and the education of slave children, regardless of his race, and that alone is deserving of a moment in the sun. 

Besides, not acknowledging the accomplishments of other races in our progression is no better than Black accomplishments being left out of mainstream progression, and I don't jive with either one. So to those who have a problem with me giving someone of another race a spot in this year's BHS, there is an 'x' in the right corner of the tab you've opened (because I'm assuming you're using Chrome lol) that I'd like you to utilize. Please make your exit quiet and permanent. #kthxbai For everyone else though, as always, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you tomorrow!
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