Hi! It's been quite some time since I've done one of these, huh? I hope the time away hoped to relieve any staleness that had started to set in with the series. Because I'm still working on the design as well as what I have planned for the blog in February, I didn't come up with an actual theme for this month. My birthday is in a few weeks so I thought it'd be fun (for me, anyway) to share some of the vintage things that would make me plotz if someone gave them to me for my born day. Let's check out eBay first.

As I've gotten more into blogging and exploring the technical side of photography, I've become increasingly interested in vintage cameras and the process of learning how to use one. This is a folding pocket camera, and I have no idea how it works or what sort of photos it takes. I think it'd be a really fun birthday gift to receive; nobody uses these cameras anymore (if you like something after it's been popular rather than before, are you a reverse hipster or just a nerd with issues?) and it would be fun to see what I could do with it.
But even though I really want an old camera like the one above or the very large ones with the bulb, I also want photography equipment a bit more with the times. I want to learn photography in general, from the oldest cameras to the DSLR giants that are out today. This would be one of the most fab gifts I could ever get because it's jam-packed with goodies for me to try out. There's a ton of different cameras, lenses, instruction manuals and tips that I can go nuts with; it's exciting for me just to think about receiving something like this for my birthday. It'd be so much fun!
I came across this on Amazon around a year ago and I want to read this so badly I'm nearly tempted to see if someone uploaded an electronic torrent of it somewhere. Take notes: the true mark of desperation for a complete boob like myself is when you're hoping someone's uploaded a book illegally for you to read. LOL Anyway, I've wanted this book since the first time I saw it, and nothing's changed. Much like the majority of my interests, however, only a couple of people in my life are aware of how much I like steampunk so this might be a gift that I get for myself.
I know this skirt isn't anything particularly fancy or busy in design, but that's why I like it so much. There's a versatility in clothing that has a simple design that I can't find in other items. I really struggle with styling, especially vintage separates, so something simple is probably better for me anyway. This skirt here is full and different from what most others are wearing today without being something that (a lot of) people will stop and gawk at. It's also simple enough for me to deal with styling it without feeling overwhelmed, and if I decide to dress it up or down, it'll still look good. I think it'd be really nice to receive my first vintage item for a birthday gift.
Adult coloring books have really been making a splash on the scene lately, but the vast majority of them mainly consist of complicated floral, geometric or baroque sorts of shapes and designs. I like them well enough, but sometimes I'd like to just color a page that doesn't take me 5 hours to finish. lol That brings me to this one, which delighted me to no end when I came across it. Not only is it an adult coloring book (although I admit with no shame that I still buy children's coloring books), but it's steampunk-themed. This would be all kinds of fun for me to go through.
As you'll see in this month's Files posts, we're dreaming up more than just my birthday wishlist. We're also going under the dream assumption that I own my own home and can put in it what I like. I've wanted a game room for my house for the longest time, and adding upright arcade games like this one would be one of my first additions. Ms. Pacman is also in this machine, so it saves having to buy a Pacman-themed one. I feel like I need one of these in my life. Did you play Galaga growing up?
Oh my word, how stunning is this bedroom set. I used to want a modern bedroom set because I felt the design was more chic but I see sets like this and immediately change my mind. Even though this is a reproduction set, it still looks very regal and much sturdier than the modern sets I was previously looking at. I also like the darker shades that were used for these pieces. I don't know if people gift others entire bedroom sets for their birthdays, but lemme tell ya, I'll be the last one to complain if someone did that for me. lol
I've needed a sewing machine for a number of years, but I was a little surprised at myself for never having looked at older models before. There are quite a few newer machines that I like, but they have so many options, so many stitch variations, that I'm never sure of which one to choose. Older models seem much simpler, therefore tons easier for my thick brain to comprehend. I'd still like to own a sewing machine, and that brings me to this old machine by Singer. This is nearly 100 years old but has been wonderfully upkept over the years, as the listing shows that it is still in working condition. I'd keep it for both decorative and working purposes because in addition to its usefulness, it's beautiful, isn't it?
My grandmas had a pretty impressive vinyl collection that she passed on to my mom, but we don't have a record player for them so they've been sitting in a closet for awhile. I think the only thing that would improve this would be an auxiliary cord so I could plug my phone into it, but I'm quite fine with it the way it is. This is much smaller than traditional vinyl players, I really like the wood finish, and it would show me how to take care of a record player.
Lastly, I don't know that I would call this vintage but I would have a small calf if I was able to get my hands on this book. This is one of my favorite books from my childhood, and I remember trying to hang onto it for as long as I possibly could after I checked it out of my middle school library. I eventually had to turn it in and the next person who checked it out later lost it so I wasn't able to read it again. My high school library didn't have it since it's classified as a children's book, my local library doesn't carry it, and I haven't found an e-book version of it yet either. I've been chasing this book for nearly 16 years now, so it would be quite a treat to finally find it, much less own it.

I'm quite sure that many of these things are rather impractical as birthday gifts go, but that's the fun in dream wishlists for me. They're extremely expensive, very impractical, and I'd never actually ask anyone else for the items that aren't affordable. But it's fun to come up with a list anyway. What kinds of ridiculously expensive things would you put on your dream birthday list? Shoot me a comment and I'll talk to you soon!
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