*Mandy's Note: Ignore the timestamp. This weekend's posts will be up late but will have their original dates on the timestamp so that I can keep them properly organized. Carry on!*
Hi! I'm pretty sure you're wondering why it feels like I lied to you again; after all, I said on Friday in the Chit Chat post that the first entry of the month would be up later on that day and it wasn't. Well, per usual, life intervened. I went out to the mall yesterday to take some photos for an upcoming post over on RRNT, and I had to take the bus so it ate up a good portion of my afternoon. The goal was to come home, change and get comfy, and get to work. The weekend was supposed to be editing photos for RRNT and getting today's (Saturday) scheduled post up on time. But what happened instead? I get home from the mall yesterday, go to change my clothes and end up in urgent care half an hour later. Now I'm sure we're venturing into TMI territory if you're a male reader, but at this particular junction, I don't care. lol Anyway, I've had a long history with ovarian cysts and the like, so dealing with one is quite commonplace for me now. Last night though, I ended up in urgent care with what I found out was a leaking cyst, and that sort of thing I've never had before so it was excruciating. One shot in the bum later and I was back at home, sleepy, nauseated but relatively pain-free, and on bed rest for the next 3 days. And that's why last night's post didn't get done. But since I am now required to stay in bed, I should be able to get caught up with everything. Which brings me to the first day of Octoberfest!

There's no source on this photo because it's mine. The base photo isn't mine of course, but the editing is all me. Real high-class graphics, right? lol Anyway, this first day of Octoberfest I thought I'd start out with something fun and easy, just a collection of photos I found to get everyone in the spirit of October. It's weird for me, because usually I'm one in the ever-increasing mass of people who hate fall and by extension, all the people who love it. I'm not often looking at this from the other side of things so this is new for me. But for the past couple of years, I've noticed a change in some of my interests and things that I'm excited for, and it was a bit of a surprise to realize this was one of them. I love learning about old things anyway (duh) but Halloween has given me a new energy and new paths to explore with it. Today is just a random collection of photos. I have to admit that I never had a thing for old photos before; they just didn't have any appeal to me for a long time. Reading Vixen Vintage and learning to understand Solanah's love for old photos a few years ago helped me see what I was missing out on. How can I love peeking into history but not appreciate candids from those time periods, right? Again....a walking contradiction. Anyway some of these (or hell, maybe all of them. I don't know your life lol) photos may not be new to you if you're one of those that's already into fall, but they're new to me. They're also a bit of a peek at what's to come this month. I hope you enjoy!

I haven't commented on any of the other pictures and wasn't going to at all, but I am dying at this picture. I had to put it in here.
Okay, so that last photo is from Monster House. It was a cute movie. Don't judge me. LOL Anyway, I didn't want to make this a super long post full of photos, but I hope this was enough to stoke the flames at least a little bit for Halloween. It was probably the concept of no longer having to deal with summer's soul-searing heat that won me over, but I'm excited for fall and much more excited than I originally anticipated for Halloween. What about you, are you on the side of those who enjoy autumn, or are you on the side of those who want everyone to take their pumpkin spice everything and buzz off? I won't be offended if you're on the latter....I'm not on the pumpkin spice bandwagon either. lol See you soon!
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