From the Pinterest Files....
I know this post is going up super late (the timestamp may say Wednesday but it's actually Sunday the 14th that I'm posting this lol), and I'm sorry again. It's been a bad week. Some lingering health issues had a flare-up and other personal things have been interfering over the past few days, but since it's the weekend I'm trying really hard to get everything back on track. Can you believe the month is nearly halfway over already? I don't know where it's going, but I'd really like to have some of it back. lol Let's get started!

I wanted to start things off with a Pin showing off '50s-inspired wedding ideas, and I really like it. It's done in a way that could be a little kitsch if you go overboard, but I like the modernized take on the diner theme. These would be good ideas if you'd like a rockabilly or sock hop styled wedding. I hadn't thought of it until I saw this Pin, but for couples who don't want alcohol at the reception or just don't drink alcohol, a signature milkshake or malt would be a unique touch to a wedding done this way.
Follow Jennifer DeLonge's board Sock hop theme wedding on Pinterest.
Speaking of sock hop weddings, here is a board specifically for that theme. It has some pretty good inspiration if you'd like something different for your wedding. One thing I like about sock hop and retro-inspired decor is how easy it would be to DIY them for a bit cheaper. It's probably a good idea I don't want to get married; from the wedding shows I watch it's usually the DIY brides who are the most stressed. Knowing that, I'd probably still do it LOL and because I'm aware of that, I think I'm on the right track. lol There's a bit of everything on this board, from decor ideas to bridesmaids dresses and bridal gowns, invitations and cake ideas, so this is a good board to check out.
Of course, it wouldn't be wedding season without a look at horrible bridesmaids dresses of old, the majority of which came from decades that I love. Well, you take the bad with the good, I guess. lol Anyway, if you're still with giving your bridesmaids ugly dresses in an effort to make sure that you stand out, this Pin will take you to a page where you can get all the inspiration you'll ever need. These dresses have the potential to ruin friendships and ensure you'll get shitty gifts for your wedding, so use at your own risk. lol
Follow Shanai Scott Weddings's board The Great Gatsby Wedding on Pinterest.
I read The Great Gatsby when I was back in high school and that was my first real introduction to the Roaring Twenties. I loved it then and that has only grown in the 11 years since I read the novel. I loved the glamour, I especially loved the fashion and I thought the parties far exceeded anything that I'd see in modern times. I obviously wasn't the only one with this thought because now that Great Gatsby weddings are a thing, it's really fun to see all of the creative ways that people are integrating the '20s into their wedding festivities. This is an awesome board to check out if you'd like a '20s theme for your wedding.
These days, 'vintage' and 'rustic' seem to be synonymous when it comes to weddings, but I like it. That brings me to this wedding favor that technically fits in with both themes, which I thought was adorable. I saw a record-styled invitation for a '50s-inspired wedding during wedding season last June, but I've never seen this before. These are wedding favors and I love everything about it, from the old suitcase that they're placed in to the labels, twine and sleeves that the records are wrapped in. If you had access to a vinyl recorder, how cool would it be to put the playlist on the record?
Follow The Gypsy Junkie's board White/Boho/Wedding on Pinterest.
When I think of '70s-inspired weddings, I usually think of something outdoors, something bohemian and nature inspired. I'm probably wrong, but there's a hippie inside of me to contend with, so said opinion is likely biased based on what I would like the '70s to be about. That brings me to this board, which is straight of bohemian paradise. Examples of outdoor venues, wedding photography that plays on the nature theme, fashion and decor options, there's a bit of everything. If it's bohemian and about weddings, it's likely on this board.
I challenged myself to find something from the '80s that I liked other than the music and movies, and that brings me to this neon concept I ran across. This Pin is for an '80s-inspired bridal shower, and I love that the neon is only in accents rather than overwhelming the entire thing. It's done in a classy way that still integrates the theme, and that's probably one of my favorite things about mixing modern and vintage.
Follow sharon Youruniquescrapbook's board Edwardian weddings - Downton Abbey inspired on Pinterest.
If you like Edwardian-inspired weddings or Downton Abbey, this board is a good place to start if you'd like to brainstorm ways to integrate the theme into your festivities. I really like how feminine and frilly everything is, from the decorations to the wedding fashion. Some of the pins are really creative in terms of how to bring the theme into the item, and I like that. I've always wondered how to integrate Victorian or Edwardian elements into an event; this board has some helpful examples, especially if you'd like to DIY any of them.
I've never really focused exclusively on the '40s when it comes to weddings. I think I get so drawn in by the decades before and after it in terms of wedding fashion that I end up skipping right over the '40s. Considering that this decade is actually one of my favorites when it comes to fashion, this makes no sense, but that's me. lol Anyway, this is a very ambitious pattern (to me) for some '40s bridal wear or bridesmaids dress options. I am in love with the shape and silhouette that these dresses create, I love the streamlined, simple style that both dresses have, and I love the undeniably elegant look that both of them possess. I'm not one for long-sleeved wedding dresses, but if done this way, I could probably be persuaded to at least try one on. LOL
Follow Cathy Byars's board medieval wedding shower on Pinterest.
I didn't have the idea initially to put anything medieval on here, but I couldn't resist. lol This is a board full of options you could use if you wanted a medieval-themed menu at your reception, and I think it's a really creative concept for a time period that didn't have the same traditions and customs present for weddings that we have today. There isn't a lot of base material to go on, so it really depends on the couple and how they choose to implement medieval elements into their reception. I think with many vintage themes, they are susceptible with coming off as kitschy or tacky if done wrong, but when done well it infuses personality into the event and makes things fun. That's why I like this board and its ideas so much; you can take something simple from a time period and the possibilities for what you can do with it or how you can use it are endless.

That brings this ultra-late Files post to a close. I'm not sure if I should focus on a particular decade for the Spotlight or not; I don't want to overdo a decade and end up recycling ideas. I'll figure it out sometime this week. lol Posts should be back to normal this week; the three late posts (including this one) will be up throughout the week, as will the two (or three, haven't decided yet) posts already scheduled to go up. I got my mitts on this year's SUTS schedule and so far it looks to be a month of interesting (and some oft-seen) movies; I'm so excited that I get to partake again this year! But I'm getting ahead of myself; that post will be up in a couple of weeks. On time, too, watch. lol Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post, I hope you had a wonderful weekend and I will see you tomorrow!
Making a valiant attempt to keep my word,
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