From the Pinterest Files...
Howdy again! Three posts from me in about as many days, that's quite the rarity, right? Unfortunately, as with most good things, that too has come to an end. LOL I think eventually the goal is to have about three posts a week, but that's still a work in progress. Anywho, when I went to go look up stuff for this post, I ended up pinning more stuff from the homepage rather than actually doing what I was supposed to be doing, so if there was ever any doubt of my addiction (there really wasn't LOL) before then it has just been removed. It's a disease. But that's my problem. Moving on! I'm still stuck on emerald green, which is probably going to be the case all month, but I've also been stuck on '20s/'30s fashion for awhile now, especially after that Harlem Renaissance post (which I really hope you liked) so that's probably what I'll be on this week. Let's talk about what I dug up! Classy segue, right? LOL

This was one of the photos I was pinning instead of finding things for the post, but since it fits in with what I've been looking at lately anyway, let's just kick things off with it. This beautiful French-made gown is from 1938 and is currently on display at the Met Museum, which is the external link that this Pin is connected to. I love this dress. I think it's elegant, I'm loving the fringe, loving the color, and I think it all comes together so beautifully. If you read the Met's post up about the origination of the dress, Vogue's opinion from that time is in that very snarky, sort of condescending tone if your body type didn't fit what was considered acceptable (curvaceous was supposedly back in, but only if you contained said curves within a corset to create a more aesthetically pleasing silhouette...not wearing the corset and having any rolls was considered 'vulgar' ::eyeroll::) and I hate that, but I'm in love with the dress. I wish I could see the front of it.
I'm almost positive I said this last spring, but it's practically spring here now, so I'm saying it again. I love mint for this time of year. I don't mind the color at any time of the year, really, but for some reason my pastel love explodes during the first half of the year. I blame YouTube and (insert obnoxious tone here) 'my personal evolution and new perspectives on colors as I grow as an individual' (/insert and lol) life for that because I was never really into them before. Color stuff aside, how cute is this phone? I've posted older model phones before but I don't remember posting or even seeing one exactly like this one. I don't want it there as a prop, I want it to actually use it. I miss the old #firstworldproblem of trying to walk around while on the phone and being yanked back in a very unclassy way because I ran out of cord. LOL I know I'm not the only one that's happened to.
I'm not much of a doll enthusiast, but this St. Paddy's themed Barbie is amazeballs. I like that it's one of the vintage Barbies, and I am in love with the hat. It's adorable. And that cat eye is everything, isn't it? The outfit is one I'd probably wear if it was tailored to size, which surprises me a little bit, but I think it's the way that the outfit was done. From what I can tell on the external link, the person who designed this outfit creates them as one-offs and compiles them in a private collection. She does amazing work and I much prefer the display of the outfits on the vintage model Barbies.
This is a guide to the typical women's hat styles from around the late '20s on through the '60s and I really liked this Pin because there were a number of hats I'd never seen before. When I look at guides like this, they show me just how much women's fashion has evolved from the time period that the lists were written for, and they never cease to amaze me. At one time, women wore hats all the time. Now, if a chick is wearing a hat with modern themed clothes it's probably a trucker hat or a beanie, the operative word being 'if.' I like the drawings for a few reasons, because they're simple, they're accurate, and they unintentionally gave the ladies alien eyes. Bawdy and rather immature. Why aren't the beaus lining up outside my bedroom window, right? LOL
Ahh, the internal plotzing that took place over this headpiece. The large jewel as the focal point, the big fuzzy feathers, the tiny bands going around the front and sides, the cream color, it's everything I need in my life whether I'll ever have any reason to wear it or not. lol And another thing I love about it, it's easy to replicate. Flapper headbands have always been something I'd like to try as a DIY project but it didn't cross my mind with this one until I read the comments. It wouldn't be hard at all to buy any of the individual items, and probably wouldn't be hard to do if you have a glue gun and a steady hand. Judging by my ongoing relationship with the floor, I'm not quite sure about the second half of that but I'd still like to give it a go. lol
If you've been with me for some time then you already know my obsession with old keys. This particular one is part of a Celtic wedding boutonniere but I'd wear it as a bow if that ribbon had a little clip in the back. I guess the key has a Celtic design? Either way, I really like that concept for a Celtic-themed wedding; it gives the boutonnieres a bit more personality and weaves some culture in there at the same time; usually all I hear about that accessory is that someone forgot theirs or isn't wearing theirs for a wedding. lol I never would have thought to attach a key to the ribbon but I like it a lot.
I think this St. Patrick's Day greeting is too cute. It's something I'd say to confuse the hell out of someone on purpose but still mean every word of it. LOL I've really come to love Irish quotes, blessings and things of that nature, the more of them I read the more I like them. The ones I've read always have good intent and simple wishes, rather than something long, vague or complicated. I also like that not every blessing or well wish is rooted in religion, not because I don't like those, but because these are universal. Not all of my friends share the same religion, while some have no religious affiliation at all, and it's nice to see a simple, well-meaning gift that all of them would like without being offended.
I'm always down to learn new slang, especially if I don't hear anyone else using it. Whenever I become interested in a new language (which is often), the first things I go to are the common slang phrases, the cuss words and the sexual ones. So I'm bawdy, in case you hadn't already noticed. lol But if nobody is saying it anymore, for me it becomes a bit of a quirk. I like the 'random trivia' bit that using such a word or phrase would prompt if someone is unfamiliar with the term, and also because I just like slang that not everyone else is currently using. Apparently, this is a 'hipster' trait but for me I just like sounding a bit different so if I pick up a word that is out of fashion but I like it, I'll use it. This here is a list of '20s slang, some of which is still being used today, like 'slay' or 'boob' (a personal favorite that I use a bit too much lol), but includes others that have since been phased out and replaced with more common words/phrases, like 'cabbage' or 'behind the 8-ball.' My personal favorite from the list--other than 'boob'--the 'Chicago overcoat.' LOL
This pin is a bunch of '20s-inspired hairstyles for weddings. Even though wedding season isn't upon us again just yet, I still love looking at the hairstyles on this Pin. One thing I've always loved about the '20s is the glam aspect of it, even in casual wear. The headbands and hairpins always had some hint of glam or sparkle on them even if the outfit was casual, and while I guess that is considered to be a bit overdressed for today's casual wear, I still really like the look. I wish there was a style in the Pin that showed the finger waves or the short flapper curls, but they can easily be substituted for one of the shown hairstyles.
The love that I have for a good wide-leg trouser nearly rivals that of my love for flapper dresses. It's pretty bad. I like that they are a bit more practical for everyday wear than a dress (for me, anyway), I really like how they elongate the legs, and they just have this classy feel to them. I especially like the wide leg trousers with the sailor-style buttons and pleating, preferably in navy blue or black. This Pin shows how effortlessly casual these trousers can be styled to look, but you can easily take the look to a more business look or modernize it just by changing the shirt. I like the versatility of it, and I've learned that I quite enjoy mixing vintage and modern touches in fashion. It wouldn't be hard to do with these trousers.
When I was a kid, I really liked the black and white oxford shoes and always wanted a pair. They reminded me of bowling shoes, which I also wanted a pair of. lol Never got the oxfords (or the bowling shoes, thank goodness) and as a teen, I wondered wth I was thinking. I guess like many teens, I suddenly had this distaste for anything that looked even remotely old or out of current style. They always say that things come full circle in adulthood, which turned out to be true in some cases because here I am, wanting oxfords now more than I did when I was 8. I didn't even know there were oxford heels when I first got into vintage fashion, but I'm so glad I know now. How cute are these?? I prefer my heels to have a smaller heel (you know, ongoing relationship with the floor and all that jazz, less of a distance to fall from) without looking stumpy and oxford/kitten-ish style heels accomplish that for me. These repros look true to the oxford style of shoe, they're still very feminine and they're adorable. I need them in my life.
These earrings are so exquisite. My favorite kind of earring is a dangly one, and these are especially long. This particular pair is from the Victorian era and there aren't enough words to properly describe the plotzing taking place in my soul. The price tag is enough to make me plotz too, but in a bad way. LOL If they are a genuine pair from the era and they were kept in such good condition, however, then the price tag is completely worth it. This is the stuff that family heirlooms are made of to me.

I proofed the post one last time and realized that I unintentionally put a couple of extras on the list, but eh. It's just two. You all already knew I had this disease. LOL Anyway, I'm so excited to get to Etsy next week, hell some of this week's Pins were from Etsy so I already have my foot in the door. lol I hope you liked this little collection of goodies, they were fun to find and eyegasm over. I'll be on Twitter for our TNT so on the off chance you're on there, shoot me a tweet! I'll see you all back here on Monday; have a wonderful weekend!
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