From the Pinterest Files....
For this month's edition of From the Pinterest Files, I prayed hard for two reasons. Firstly, that I could embed everything properly and avoid the snafu I ran into last month. Secondly, that I don't encounter the problems I was faced with during last week's eBay post, which has now become this month's equivalent of January's Pinterest Files. lol Last month I featured boards but I want to mix it up a little bit so don't be surprised if you see a random pin pop up here and there among the boards. As always, this was another much-appreciated excuse to look through Pinterest and end up pinning all the things. lol Enjoy!
Follow Misti Smith's board Vintage Holidays on Pinterest.
I included this one since I usually post cards and photos each holiday, and I thought this would be a great resource for those of you who like those things. This is a huge board, with more than 4,000 Pins, and covers the major holidays as well as random advertisements and illustrations. I usually have a hard time finding illustrations like the ones on this board, so I think this is going to be really fun to explore.
2. Follow Debra Slack's board Vintage Home on Pinterest.
I liked this board because I love photos of old homes, whether they are illustrations or actual captures. There is a healthy mix of modern homes with vintage elements and authentic vintage homes, and almost 500 pins to go through.
Follow Stephanie Batroni Pitchers's board Vintage Home on Pinterest.
While on the subject of vintage homes, I had to include this board. I have no idea what sites the pinner knew about in order to find these, I haven't had a chance to get all the way through it yet, but I thought this board was amazeballs. This board has pins of homes, whether they be drawings or photographs, with blueprints included underneath. I have a thing for older buildings and homes and love seeing what they used to look like; in many cases those buildings have either been renovated or torn down. It's nice to see these buildings the way they originally were.
4. Follow Maria Dolores Fernandez's board ANTIQUE FURNITURE on Pinterest.
This is a quite extensive board, with over 1000 pins, about all sorts of antique furniture. I never fancied myself a fan of antiques until just recently, and even now I'm not obsessed with it in the way I am with say, 1940s fashion. But I appreciate older furniture now and it's fun to look at. I've come to realize that a lot of my love for vintage in different areas has something to do with my appreciation of history and the interest I have in it. The same is true for antique furniture, because I always wonder what its story is, where it came from, who used it. It's cool to look back on these pieces and see the differences between those and today's pieces, in detailing, finish or design. They don't make many pieces in such an era-distinctive style anymore, and it's fun to look at today.
Follow Sally ©☮★'s board ✔AFRO☮+☮FRO+☮BRO on Pinterest.
I included this one simply because of my love for a good 'fro. I love looking at how this style, one you would think can't really change, has evolved over time. I was a kid in the '90s, and one of my favorite songs was this rap track called "Afro Puffs." I had afro puffs when my hair was in pigtails, and was elated when this song came on in public and I just happened to be wearing them at the time. I felt like the song was for me and everyone should look at my hair to see how it's done. I was a bit of a ham as a child. LOL Regardless, I like how the 'fro has evolved and taken on different textures, different lengths, and wasn't gender or race specific. It's still a universal hairstyle and I love it. This is a pretty large board, so you'll be here for awhile.
Follow terrebella ✤ grafico's board 1940s kitchen on Pinterest.
Kitchens are always fun for me to look at. I love a good modern-looking kitchen, with stainless steel appliances, marble countertops and a deep cherry wood finish on the cabinets. Love it. However, I still love a good retro kitchen, with an old school refrigerator and the type of ice that you have to scrape off the sides of the freezer, a diner-style table and a cozier fit. So this board, full of pictures and illustrations of kitchens from the '40s, has been so much fun to look at.
Follow Donna Weisse's board Models ~ 1960's-1970's on Pinterest.
This board focuses on pictures of models from the '60s and '70s, the era that is widely considered to be the birth of the supermodel. I only know a few models from the '60s and '70s, so every time I start researching that time period and some of the actors/actresses that I'm familiar with, it always surprises me to find that many of them were once models during this time. Almost 600 pins large, this models board serves as an inspiration on various levels--fashion, makeup, and hair. I think it could even help junior photographers with trying out a new style of how they photograph their subjects.
Follow Maggie Sandoval's board 1920s & 1930s Style on Pinterest.
I feel like I say this about every decade...and I probably do but whatever....I love the '30s. Some of my favorite actresses hit their prime during this decade, some of my other favorite actresses were born in this decade, and the fashion/hair was stunning. Despite a good portion of the country being in turmoil for this period of time, a lot of movies that I consider to be greats were still made during this time and in general it just seemed like there was a determination to still enjoy life. I can definitely dig that. This board shows off both authentic and repro pieces from that time period as well as different beauty/style tips and still photos.
9. Follow ANNE MURRAY's board MOVIE POSTERS 1940s on Pinterest.
I love movie posters from this time period. They're much different than today's posters, which I also enjoy, but in a different way. Even though they're much more simple, I think they're a visual testament to the era they were created in, they were unique, and I like reading some of the little captions or details in the poster. Some of them were sort of corny and they crack me up. Others help to fuel the drama taking place in the movie, and ultimately do their job of increasing interest in seeing the film. This board is just over 400 pins, so you'll get to see a lot of posters.
10. Follow Solange Spilimbergo Volpe's board ♔ - Antique Furniture on Pinterest.
I had to save this one for last because it's probably the biggest board dedicated to just furniture that I've seen in the entire time I've been on Pinterest. I know I've already included a board for antiques in this post, but I found this one around the same time and had to share it. This board, completely dedicated to antique furniture from the Regency period, both early and late 19th century and even a few pieces from the late 1700s, boasts over 3000 pins. There's all sorts of furniture on here, from armoires to oak cabinets, antique grandfather clocks and even a Regency-era chess board. It is an extremely extensive...and extremely awesome....board to spend some time checking out.

And that brings us to the end of February's Pinterest Files. This was significantly more fun than last month's edition, which was a complete pain in my ass that I still have the misfortune of having to finish. I wasn't sure what other things to look up so that I could have some variety in the boards that I shared, but I think I did okay this time around. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this week's edition and I'll be back next week with Etsy's Files!
Already excited to go look through Etsy again,
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