Howdy all! I'm sorry for the radio silence; it's been almost 2 months already! I never intended or figured I'd have the blogs on hiatus for this long, but spit happens, I guess. Just to update on what's going on, the problem with my laptop that I figured was initially a CPU problem ended up being motherboard damage, so now I'm in need of a new laptop. I decided to just get my primary computer fixed (the one that went belly up with hard disk failure last summer), transfer the stuff from this replacement back to the primary and be done with it, but of course these things cost money, which I do not have. So I have to wait until I can scrape the money together. I'm so mad I've missed this month of posts; I had so much fun planned and now with October nearly over I'll have to wait until next year. If you're a Twitter follower and haven't unfollowed my silent ass yet, thank you so much. I didn't get to make it back in time for Halloweenie, so let's shoot for Xmas. lol Please be patient with me for a little while longer, thank you for hanging in there so far, and I'll see you soon!

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