Monday, March 14, 2016

TNT Preview: Viridiana

Hi! How was your weekend? Spring Break is officially over in my neck of the woods, so it's back to business as usual. Let's get to our film for this week, the 1961 drama Viridiana

This is a Spanish film that stars Mexican icon Silvia Pinal in one of her more controversial roles as Viridiana, a young girl about to take her vows to the convent. After being pressured by her Mother Superior to visit her last living relative, a reclusive uncle, she complies but the visit ends up changing her life in ways she would have never expected. Based off of the novel Halma by Spanish author Benito Perez Galdos, the film is now recognized as an acclaimed film but at one time, was panned and even rejected by both the Vatican and Spanish government. Fernando Rey, Francisco Rabal and Margarita Lozano co-star. Here's the trailer:

Viridiana will be airing at 8pm EST this Thursday. If you'd like to stream the film online, here's where you can catch it:

Amazon Instant ($3.99/rent) | Hulu (w/description)

I know things have been quiet around here since I wrapped up Black History Spotlight and while that wasn't originally the intention, it's given me some much-needed down time so I could focus on the review blog for a little while. I'm still working on this month's posts and you'll be getting bombarded with those later, but because I was busy over here all of last month, I got behind on some scheduled reviews on the other blog so that's what I've been doing. But there's still a schedule and I'll be getting back to it soon. Anyway, that does it for me today. Enjoy your Monday and I'll see you soon!

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