Sunday, February 3, 2013

TNT Preview: Anne of the Thousand Days

This week's movie is 1969's Anne of the Thousand Days, starring Richard Burton and Genevieve Bujold and centers on what led to Anne Boleyn's execution at the signing of her husband, Henry VIII. Don't have too much to say about this one but the real story behind this movie is actually quite sad; I found myself feeling rather sorry for Anne Boleyn at the end of it all. I haven't seen the movie yet though, so I'm interested to see how it unfolds. The movie's got a pretty solid rating; IMDb gives it a 7/10 stars and TCM has an even 4/5. Here's the trailer:
As I say every time, the movie will be on at 8pm EST on TCM. I finally got my satellite situation settled--try saying that 3 times fast! Anyway, I switched providers--so I can finally watch the movie but I'll still look for it online for those of you without DVR service.

790-AT&T U-verse
Not available for streaming on Netflix but you can rent the DVD if your package has that option
Amazon Instant Video for $2.99 on any Amazon HD compatible device
None of the other online links panned out but if I find something I'll update the post and include it.

February's got some hard hitters this month but our final movie this month is a classic movie and much more light-hearted than the rest of the movies we'll be watching. Saddle up! lol 

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